Coast Slot Cars! We are always looking for H.O. slot car racers in the West Los Angeles and Santa Monica areas
to become part of the club for fun races and activities. If you are interested, please contact Marc @ 310 200-6300 for detailed
information. There are no fees for becoming a club member! Just race, have fun, and share this wonderful

CALLING ALL CARS!!By: Marc NatividadHey, where are all the H.O. slot car racers here in Los Angeles?? We are very small group of racers here in
West Los Angeles and as far as I know, there aren't too many others in my area. On the East Coast, there are far more
racers, racing clubs, and tracks. Weather conditions perhaps is why we are outnumbered as it is the perfct indoor hobby.

H.O. slot car racing is still one
of the least expensive hobbies comparatively to 1/32 or 1/24 scale slot car racing. Even though electronic devices have
become a substitute for entertainment, H.O. slot car racing promotes group social behavior, mechanics, physics, and eye hand
coordination. Each racer must focus and be in control of thier own car on the track. Speed of the car is not as
important as the control of the car. If you fall off the track, precious laps will be lost as the other racers that
are staying on the track continue to increase their lap numbers.

More experienced racers like to
build and optomize their own cars. By just learning how to tear down and rebuild your car is the best way of understanding
how it works. If you ever have a problem with it, you can quickly identify it an make the necessary repairs. Having
a more experienced racer close by will also help you with your problems!

There are many more resources available
today for H.O. slot car racing due to the internet. Everything from instructional videos to buying cars, tracks, and
upgrade parts at your fingertips!

What's it going to take to make H.O. slot
car racing big again here in Los Angeles? Well, there are always various social media platforms, but I prefer the tried
and true method of just getting out there. We are also in need of more tracks in our area that are willing to host a
race or two. It's a large investment at first putting a track together as well as having the necessary space to accomidate
a small group and the proper storage of your table.

You can get your neighborhood involved
by having an OPEN HOUSE racing day or form your own H.O. slot car racing club. I host BUILDING days where we all get
together and discuss how we build our cars and which cars we may want to race for future events.
So many ways to enjoy this
wonderful hobby! If you are interested in H.O. slot car racing or you want to build a track and start a club, please
feel free to contact me anytime!! I'm happy to help you with any questions you may have on anything related to this

H.O. slot car racing has always
been a FUN hobby for ALL ages. The few of us that have a passion for this hobby will continue to expose others and encourage
them to join us. Race Happy from West Coast Slot Cars!